designer créatif papier

23 oct. 2014

Pour ce projet, un client m'a soumis un design qu'il souhaitait que je retranscrive en volume.
J'ai ainsi retravaillé le design en partant de son esquisse avant de valider le rendu.

For this project, a client submitted me a design he wanted me to make in volume.
I then tweaked the design from his sketch before I went on the assembly.

paper papier fire earth water air elements sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura
from sketch..
paper papier fire earth water air elements sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura final

J'ai ensuite imprimé chaque symbole individuellement sur un papier de couleur avant d'attaquer la fabrication.


I then printed each symbol on its corresponding colored paper before I started making them.

paper papier feu fire sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura
paper papier feu fire sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura
"Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked"

paper papier earth terre sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura
paper papier earth terre sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura

paper papier toxic sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura
paper papier toxic sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura

paper papier water eau sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura
paper papier water eau sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura

paper papier air vent wind sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura
paper papier air vent wind sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura

Le client souhaitait que chaque symbole soit entouré d'un fin carré correspondant à sa couleur. 
Cette partie fût la plus délicate dans la mesure où chaque trait mesure 1mm de hauteur et qu'il fallait conserver un alignement le plus droit possible.
C'est également la première fois que j'utilise un tableau comme support.


The client wanted each symbol to have a thin square around it. This was the trickiest part of the assembly as each stroke is 1mm thin and I had to make the whole piece stay in the same alignment.
It's also the first time I use a canvas as a stand.

paper papier fire earth water air elements sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura

paper papier fire earth water air elements sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura

paper papier fire earth water air elements sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura

paper papier fire earth water air elements sculpture relief lowpoly polygon vector pepakura

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